Komponenter Strong indeholder koncentrerede sporstoffer beregnet til brug i revakvarier. Komponenter, der er stærke i kombination med Calcium, Magnesium, KH Buffer og Reef Mineral Salt, er et komplet sæt designet til at vedligeholde et revakvarium efter den metode, der er foreslået af H. W. Balling, derfor skal disse produkter bruges parallelt. På grund af det faktum, at mikroelementerne i akvariet forbruges i den rigtige proportion med makroelementerne, er koncentrationerne af Komponenter Strong blevet udviklet baseret på andre værdier. Kun brugen af hele sortimentet af Aquaforest-produkter sikrer effektivitet og garanterer den kemiske balance i akvariet. Mængden af tilførte mikroelementer afhænger af akvariets individuelle behov for magnesium og calcium
Component A Strong
Component contains concentrated strontium and barium. The amount of strontium and barium depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of calcium chloride. Recommended use with Aquaforest Calcium products. Capacity: bottle of 75ml
US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal.
Component B Strong
Component contains concentrated heavy metals. The amount of heavy metals depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of calcium chloride. Recommended use with Aquaforest Calcium products. Capacity: bottle of 75ml
US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal.
Component C Strong
Component contains concentrated iodide and fluoride. The amount of iodide and fluoride depends on requirements for calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of sodium bicarbonate. Recommended use with Aquaforest® KH Buffer product. Capacity: bottle of 75ml
US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal.
Component K Strong
Component contains concentrated potassium. The amount of potassium depends on requirements for magnesium and calcium. 5 ml should be added to 1 litre of ready solution of magnesium chloride and mineral salt. Recommended use with Aquaforest® Magnesium and Reef Mineral Salt product. Capacity: bottle of 75ml.
US:19ml should be added to 1 US gal.
1 ml of Strong A in 100 l of aquarium water will raise levels:
Strontium (Sr) 0,32 ppm
Barium (Ba) 0,000055 ppm
1 ml of Strong B in 100 l of aquarium water will raise levels:
Iron (Fe) 0,00052 ppm
Manganese (Mn) 0,00024 ppm
Copper (Cu) 0,000075 ppm
Zinc (Zn) 0,000082 ppm
Nickel (Ni) 0,000062 ppm
Chromium (Cr) 0,00023 ppm
1 ml of Strong C in 100 l of aquarium water will raise levels:
Potassium (K) 0,0032 ppm
Iodine (I) 0,0046 ppm
Fluorine (F) 0,03 ppm
1 ml of Strong K in 100 l of aquarium water will raise levels:
Potassium (K) 1,0 ppm
Specifikke referencer